
Rapid Job Creation

Simple user interface to allow you to quickly record the jobs from the ward round as you go. No more scrappy bits of paper in your pocket, it's all there in your new electronic job list. Even better, your team can immediately see the jobs as they are created and get started on dealing with them, the medical job sheet everyone can see...at the same time...simple.


Although you can use this app solo, to get the best from it you need to set it up with your team! It's easy to do, just log in, set up your team and using your unique team code invite other team members to join! They can then interact with the wards, beds and jobs you create. You can all work together to complete the jobs. Super easy.


Fully encrypted so the only place you can read what work you're up to is through your app. So that's you and the people you include in your team...that's it!

Keep Track

As a senior member of your team you may need to quickly oversee the ward round and then head elsewhere leaving your juniors to complete the jobs. Now you can do that and keep an eye on the progress of the work. You can even add to or contribute to the ongoing work from afar. Everyone is working from the same page, a page you can access anytime and anyplace.

Staged Workflow

Keep track on work as it progresses through the necessary processes. Immediately see if there was an issue completing a job or if there is a job that doesn't seem to be progressing you can follow it up. We use a traffic light colour system to progress the work, so it is quickly identifiable what is done and what still needs to be done.

Complete by Category

Once the jobs are created you can quickly review by category! Want to order all your lab requests at the same time? No problem, see who needs what all in one place!